111111 3E3E3E 6C6C6C 878787 A3A3A3 C2C2C2 DEDEDE FFFFFF

Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 16.

Posted by
Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda] (Barcelona, Spain) on 16 December 2024 in People & Portrait and Portfolio.


The photograph captures a bustling street scene, possibly in a European city. The foreground is dominated by a group of pedestrians, their bodies slightly blurred due to movement. The background reveals a narrow street lined with buildings, some displaying signage and storefront displays. The walls are adorned with graffiti and street art, including a striking image of a child's face and various other tags and stickers. The overall impression is one of urban vibrancy, suggesting a moment captured within a busy city center.

The image shows a diverse group of people of different ages, ethnicities, and appearances. Some individuals appear to be engaged in conversation, while others stroll along the street. Their facial expressions range from neutral to engaged; there's a palpable sense of everyday urban life. [...] The lighting suggests it might be late afternoon given the shadows and light conditions present.

A closer inspection reveals subtle details that are easily missed at first glance. For instance, a person uses a walking cane. The style of graffiti and street art suggests a specific cultural context. The way people are dressed and interact offers a glimpse into local customs and dynamics. This is complemented by subtle details such as the shop signage or the type of building architecture—all these collectively give a feel of the area's overall character.


OPPO A54s 1/33 second F/1.8 ISO 566 5 mm

1/33 second
ISO 566
5 mm
