121212 2D2D2D 474747 797979 969696 B1B1B1 CDCDCD E7E7E7

Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 14.

Posted by
Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda] (Barcelona, Spain) on 14 December 2024 in Miscellaneous and Portfolio.


The photograph shows a large, grotesque mask as the central focus, dominating the foreground. It's a close-up shot, filling most of the frame. The background is blurred but shows what appears to be an indoor market or fair setting. There are various stalls and people milling around, though they are out of focus. The background is generally dark and dimly lit. One can see lights strung across the ceiling and what looks like various displays of merchandise at the stalls.

[...] There are several people visible in the background. They appear to be casually dressed, and their activities are not clear, though they seem to be browsing and shopping at the market. Their emotions are not readily apparent given the distance and the focus being on the mask. It is not possible to determine much information about their race, ethnicity, age, economic status, or lifestyle given the image quality. One person appears to be looking down and might be checking their phone or looking at something on the ground.

The mask itself is highly detailed. The eyes appear to be slightly misaligned, adding to the unsettling effect. The texture of the mask's face appears to be made of some kind of textured material; possibly plastic or a similar substance. The mask is weathered but well-maintained. The lighting accentuates the deep shadows and creates an unsettling expression on the mask's face.


OPPO A54s 1/100 second F/1.8 ISO 144 5 mm

1/100 second
ISO 144
5 mm
