4D4D4D 666666 7F7F7F 989898 B6B6B6 D1D1D1 F6F6F6

Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 03.

Posted by
Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda] (Barcelona, Spain) on 3 December 2024 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.


The photograph shows a street scene, possibly in a European city. The foreground is dominated by a paved street, with a central dividing line clearly visible. The background features tall buildings lining both sides of the street, their facades largely obscured by a hazy atmosphere. Street lamps are visible along the buildings. The overall mood is somewhat bleak and monochromatic. In the distance, the buildings appear to converge towards a bright, possibly sunny spot in the background, adding depth to the image. There are various commercial establishments visible along the route, but the signage is not clear enough to identify them. One can also make out a subtle change in pavement type halfway down the street.

The image shows several people walking along the street; they appear to be engrossed in their own thoughts. Their features are not clearly visible due to the distance and the muted light. They appear to be a mixture of ages and possibly economic backgrounds, judging by the variety of their clothing and accessories. It is difficult to make any detailed observations about their emotional states or ethnicities. [...] The people appear to be walking at a fairly consistent pace, suggesting a routine or usual occurrence.

The grayscale nature of the photo increases its artistic quality and creates a sense of depth. The hazy or foggy atmosphere is a significant feature that softens the details of the image. This effect is compounded by the strong backlighting, creating lens flare near the brightest point in the background. The texture of the pavement suggests a porous surface, while the street itself seems quite narrow, typical of many old European city streets.


OPPO A54s 1/1704 second F/1.8 ISO 112 5 mm

1/1704 second
ISO 112
5 mm
