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Posted by
Juan Antonio Zamarripa [Esqueda] (Barcelona, Spain) on 13 September 2018 in Food & Cuisine and Portfolio.

#summer2018 #smartphone #lgk10 #streetphotography #slightlydesaturated #inkwellfilter #valencia #spain #tourists? #neighbors? #publicmarket #walking #cropped #7by5 #runaflirts #photoobserve #ontheroadagain

Existence Artistique from Angers, France

bien cette partie haute

13 Sep 2018 5:18pm

@Existence Artistique: It's an enviable public market, to be sure. I wish Barcelona's La Boqueria was more like this. Sigh!

Le Krop from Charenton-le-Pont, France

Un bouquet de gens :-) Départ en vacances ? Rentrée de vacances ? L'effervescence des gares parfois. Des villes souvent.

14 Sep 2018 7:29am

@Le Krop: Aye, tourists are people, too! It might be a question of having enough space for residents & visitors to coexist comfortably. In that respect, Valencia has a visible advantage over Barcelona. See my comment above... Be well!