Fears revealing overstated, underlying aspirations | A juxtaposition supposes off to ward comprehension | incapacity with commonality, overrunning emotions? | Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 17. | Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 14. | Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 09. | back among those ever persistent seekers of light. | Syncopation without participation is an automation | linked to the presence tensions borne periodically | albeit preferably with consideration for courtesy. | akin to the assimilation of incongruity unleashed. | Displacements acceptable require accessible means. | Indistinct placements surplus segmenting leverage. | Passers by as many views as can be inconvenienced. | At a point when the signals have become ornaments. | Fitting into as opposed to simply assumed as being | A question could always be there about possibility | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 26 | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 18 | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 14 | relieved by positioning / settled in conditioning. | headlong per procedures / comfortable as customary | led inconclusively aside / through willing nuances | when clarity is regained by understanding hurdles. | obliged as default settings for typical situations | wherein absences are compensated by repleted space | conditioned by the persistence of pure physicality | Safe as no time. Judge often staid event pursuits. | Fleetingly loose oscillation requires suspense, 2. | Can any alignments lessen temperament assentation? | Run in ever rapid acuity. A little tighter access. | wherein similitudes would resemble understandings, | the lives of who we call others and then ourselves | Disturbances not generally detected amidst a haze. | There is a tug of the gut involved in distraction. | That step when mimicry slips sweetly into customs. | At once spectators and overexaggerated spectacles. | tendentially mired in mirrored perspectives, tried | apparent, but otherwise useful for any reiteration | , or how these moments blend over, onto a normalcy | exempted from scrutiny, mediated without question, | flowing from an emphasis on effects and not causes | usually being the operative term to lock others in | that would even hint about any hitherto intention? | Return to Archive
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