to an ending impulse separating discourse, wonder? | Remain, until expectations are reframed signifiers | Watch or nevertheless detect exemplary ratios, 18. | Actually old when situations are continuously new. | Ask a question about the rights to representation. | Or wonder when keeping apace and scuttling through | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 30 | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 20 | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 15 | Learn how to say thank you in different tongues 01 | offset without implication / excepting for oneself | Seek placid surroundings / for recovering thoughts | gravitating headlong into / joint kinetic lounging | with exceptions actually applied to precise traits | Observe whenever necessary so undoubtedly any time | possible by pausing through spaced out reflections | Fleetingly loose oscillation requires suspense, 1. | Definite overlap registered in tighter amplitudes. | Paraded along sites seen everywhere in general, 2. | Learn about. Rest assured might be learning above. | along with the consideration, if only in a passing | Much like an effort to portray steps deliberation. | Dividers suggest paths indicating limited choices. | the relational aspects tend to override awareness, | separating an impulse to wonder, ending discourse? | lent more than intended, felled by its own weight? | searching after all a defining line to that extent | shuffled about like happenstance becoming affinity | in order to sort out the rifts caused by deception | Portentous takeaways fermenting rising saturation. | Fleeting erratic rat race antagonism notification. | nested in detriment to growth without excess waste | restricted to definitions, designating what is not | necessary to maintain commotions, so disconnected. | Vulnerability shed, where memories seek to remain. | Vestiges, of variably ousted varnish, overly vain. | Looking down at the limited, muddled-over options. | excerpted from a locale and leaving insatisfaction | meant to portray as much as to represent abundance | Like stepping through slight displacements, onward | otherwise carried along by the fret, short sighted | Cyclical but unfortunately not as well rounded, 7. | Cyclical but unfortunately not as well rounded, 2. | When the static is palpable it taints the outcome. | Return to Archive
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